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Gremlin head
Link Image
Gremlin feet


^ <- ->

Photoshop Fun

I made this one while teaching a Photoshop class, then refined it a little more afterward. Hari sings + George W. Bush + Talking room = W. Sings at Sénanque!
Red This is what happens... Green ...when I scan my own face... Blue ...at 12:30 in the morning.
Foggy Day + Crescent City Coast + Wave Action + Art eats grapes = Composition
Chad & Jennifer + Sunset + Rocky islands + Rocky island = The Honeymooners
The view's better from here. Cary Grant & Katharine Hepburn + Jake and Brenna + Paris
	Backdrop = Cary and Brenna
Poser Guy + Parliament = Peekaboo!
Craig in Chula Vista + Apple Desktop Picture: Cancun Sunset = Craig in Cancun
The Prince + John = Johniavelli
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© Brian Green, 1997-2013. All rights reserved.